The Basque Centre for Applied Mathematics – BCAM organised the workshop “The Mathematics of Machine Learning” at the centre in Bilbao from 25 to 28 October, in a face-to-face format, in collaboration with AXA Research Fund, the Spanish Research Agency, and the Basque Government. Around 70 national and international participants attended the workshop. The main objective of it was “to increase the visibility of the mathematics of Machine Learning in the general mathematical community.”
Nearly twenty internationally renowned experts in machine learning presented their work in the event. Among others, “The Mathematics of Machine Learning” workshop was honoured with the participation of professors Yoav Freund from UC San Diego, Peter Grünwald from Leiden University, Sanjoy Dasgupta from UC San Diego, Guilles Blanchard from University Paris-Saclay, Krikamol Muandet from CISPA, Maxim Raginsky from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Clayton Scott from University of Michigan, and Eli Upfal from Brown Unniversity.
Among the attendees, the mathematicians interested in machine learning had the opportunity to discover and discuss the main mathematical tools used in this field and learn about interactions and the latest results on the topics discussed.
The workshop covered multiple machine learning topics including online learning, performance guarantees, multisource scenarios, optimization methods, interpolating settings, and statistical methods. The talks stimulate intense and thought-provoking technical discussions in the audience and the workshop has served to nurture a network of researchers with shared interests.