Bilbao brings together SOMMa, the scientific alliance of excellence to promote improvements in research evaluation

Bilbao brings together SOMMa, the scientific alliance of excellence to promote improvements in research evaluation More than 80 representatives of the Alliance of Excellence of Severo Ochoa Centres and María de Maeztu Units (SOMMa) meet at the Bizkaia Aretoa to analyse the latest trends in the evaluation of scientific research. Research in science has a […]
Quantum simulator expert Maciej Lewenstein opens the “IKUR Quantum Talks” series in Bilbao

Quantum simulator expert Maciej Lewenstein opens the “IKUR Quantum Talks” series in Bilbao Image credit: ©ICFO / V. Montero IKUR Quantum Talks The coming decade of quantum simulators Maciej Lewenstein, Physicist, The Institute of Photonic Sciences (ICFO) When: 17/05/2023 19:00 Where: Bastida Hall – Azkuna Center – Bilbao Language: English / Simultaneous Translation: Basque and […]
Euskampus Bourdeaux Eguna will hold its 2022 edition on 21 and 22 November in Bourdeaux

Euskampus Bourdeaux Eguna will hold its 2022 edition on 21 and 22 November in Bourdeaux The interaction and active participation of all those attending will be promoted in a two half-day programme The Euskampus Bordeaux Eguna event will take place in Bordeaux (France) on 21 and 22 November. In this 2022 edition, Professor Luis Vega […]
BCAM holds the workshop “The Mathematics of Machine Learning”

BCAM holds the workshop “The Mathematics of Machine Learning” The workshop was attended by more than 70 national and international participants at the Basque Center for Applied Mathematics – BCAM in Bilbao The Basque Centre for Applied Mathematics – BCAM organised the workshop “The Mathematics of Machine Learning” at the centre in Bilbao from […]
BCAM hosted the workshop “Artificial Intelligence for the fight against COVID-19” in collaboration with AXA Research Fund and the Basque Government

BCAM hosted the workshop “Artificial Intelligence for the fight against COVID-19” in collaboration with AXA Research Fund and the Basque Government. The workshop took place at the Bizkaia Aretoa in Bilbao on 6, 7 and 8 April The Basque Center for Applied Mathematics – BCAM organised the workshop “Artificial Intelligence for the fight against COVID-19” […]
BCAM participates in the Deep Dives 4.0 days

BCAM participates in the Deep Dives 4.0 days The sessions are organised by the Basque Digital Innovation Hub together with the Spri Group Basque Center for Applied Mathematics – BCAM is taking part in the Deep Dive 4.0 days organised by the Basque Digital Innovation Hub (BDIH) together with the Spri Group. This event, […]
New Bridges between Mathematics and Data Science conference held in Valladolid comes to its end

New Bridges between Mathematics and Data Science conference held in Valladolid comes to its end Different personalities from the world of mathematics, machine learning and data science met between 8 and 11 November New Bridges between Mathematics and Data Science conference has come to an end after 4 days of exchange of ideas and advances […]
La REM y la IMUVa organizan el workshop “New Bridges between Mathematics and Data Science”

El evento tendrá lugar en Valladolid entre los dias 8 y 11 de noviembre La Red Estratégica de Matemáticas (REM), del cual BCAM es el coordinador, y el Instituto de Investigación en Matemáticas de la UVa (IMUVa) organizan un encuentro del 8 al 11 de noviembre de 2021, en Valladolid, con el título “New Bridges […]
The POCRISC, PIXIL, MOMPA and PYRMOVE projects join forces to promote the mitigation of geological risks and boost the exploration of energy resources in the Pyrenees

The POCRISC, PIXIL, MOMPA and PYRMOVE projects join forces to promote the mitigation of geological risks and boost the exploration of energy resources in the Pyrenees The Pyrenees Territorial Support Centre (CSTP) in Tremp hosted this Thursday the event organised by four projects that are part of the POCTEFA 2014-2020 programme: POCRISC, PIXIL, MOMPA and […]